A hard copy of this obituary has not been found – the transcription below is assumed correct as passed down in handwritten form found in the LDM&CBC Collection.
Obituary – Wright, David
David Wright, who for a number of years has been a resident of this county [Rockingham County], died yesterday morning about 9 o’clock at his home near Cave Station [TM Note: Presumed to be Weyers Cave], after a painful illness, from consumption [TM Note: Tuberculosis], which covered a period of several months. Deceased was aged about 69 years.
The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 11:08 o’clock at the Valley Dunkard Church [TM Note: Presumed to be the Pleasant Valley Congregation].
Deceased resided at one time in Fauquier County, but returned to this section four or five years ago and has since been engaged in farming at Cave Station [Presume to be Weyers Cave]. He was an energetic, a highly esteemed citizen [and] devout member of the German Baptist Church.
He leaves a large family.
Harrisonburg Evening News
Monday Dec. 29, 1902
Full Citation: Harrisonburg Evening News, “Obituary: Wright, David” December 29, 1902 (Monday).