My Family Tree – Surnames by person count

This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
M Miller 20
G Garber 9
T Turner 8
R Ritchie 7
B Bechtel 6
G Glick 6
C Caricofe 4
L Lucas 4
S Simmons 4
W Wine 4
  Wolfe 4
B Bauserman 3
  Bowman 3
D Diehl 3
K Koontz 3
R Rutter 3
W Wright 3
C Crouse 2
G Gaymer 2
H Horn 2
  Humbert 2
M Meyer 2
R Randall 2
S Schopf 2
B Bachman 1
  Barstow 1
C Christ 1
F Frankforter 1
H Heffner 1
  Heitz 1
I Isaac 1
K Kauffler 1
  Keller 1
  Kikler 1
  Kirshof 1
L Linxweiler 1
M Mason 1
  Mathloney 1
  Moyers 1
P Preston 1
R Ruebinecker 1
S Schickel 1
  Stauffer 1
  Strine 1
  Suss 1
T Thomas 1
U Ulrich 1
V Verina 1
W Wagner 1