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Rev. John A. Miller Obituary (b. 1/29/1839 – d. 5/11/1905)(Aged 66)

Oak Lawn Cemetery, Bridgewater, Rockingham County, Virginia, USA

Rev. John A. Miller, a prominent elder of the German Baptist Church and a widely known resident of this county, died suddenly at a few minutes past noon Thursday at his residence one mile north of Bridgewater. He had been confined to his bed for two weeks by injuries received in an accident, but was believed to be making a satisfactory recovery when, with practically no warning, he succumbed to heart disease. His death was very unexpected.

Two weeks ago Friday evening while engaged at his barn milking a cow, Mr. Miller was badly trampled by an immense steer. It was thought that the injuries received at that time would probably prove fatal, but he rallied from the shock and so far recovered that he had begun to sit up in bed for a short time each day. Thursday morning he was seen by his physician, Dr. E. R. Miller, of Bridgewater, who regarded his progress as satisfactory. A few hours afterward, however, he was stricken with heart disease and died within a very few minutes.

The funeral was held at 10 o’clock Sunday morning from the German Baptist church at Bridgewater. Mr. Miller was born on Cook’s Creek in this county January 29, 1839, and was consequently in his 67th year. In 1869 he moved to the Bridgewater neighborhood, where he has ever since resided, and where he engaged actively and successfully in farming and other business pursuits, being at the time of his death the proprietor of a large fruit and vegetable cannery, which is located at Bridgewater.

It was, however, as an elder in the German Baptist church that he was best known. He was active and influential in his church, and had a wide acquaintance with its membership in enjoining counties and throughout the state as well as in Rockingham.

Mr. Miller leaves four sons — Abram M., Silas, John W. and Solomon G. Miller, all of the Bridgewater neighborhood; and
two daughters — Mrs. Nancy S. Wright, wife of John Wright, near Weyers Cave; and Miss Mary Miller, who lives at the home place.

Rockingham Register
Tuesday May 16, 1905

Full Citation: Rockingham Register. 1905. “Obituary: John A. Miller.” May 16, 1905. Page unknown.